Thursday 10 March 2016

Hello ! Long time no blog!

yet again I fell off the blogging wagon. However now I have my shiny new laptop I really have no excuse so I am back baby! Kicking off with a post inspired by the fabulous Leonie Dawson (check her out if you haven't already, she rocks! )

Ten things you might not know about me (yes ok she did 25 but I am not nearly as interesting!)

  1. I have odd feet , one is a 3 and one is a 2 . Yes that is very annoying!
  2. I sing in a Pink Floyd tribute band.
  3. I have 3 fabulous children who make me very proud and make me want to drink gin in large quantities!
  4. I love yoga!
  5. I love bright colours and rainbows.
  6. but I actually wear a lot of black, grey and navy blue!
  7. I am proudly welsh!
  8. I can knit and crochet but cant follow patterns well!
  9. I enjoy reading trashy romance novels
  10. My favourite film is The Fifth Element with Bruce Willis!
That was actually pretty hard and if you knw me at all you probably knew most of those things already! Haha! Oh well it got me started at least :) Will try harder in future posts!

Love Rowena xxx

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